Sponsor a Family

All the rest of our children are on the Angel Tree at Smiths Marketplace through December 7th (maybe December 8th). We are soooo grateful for our sponsors!


Helping kids at Christmas is a community effort! Thank you for considering sponsoring multiple children or family this season!

We are always amazed at the generosity and thoughtful giving from our sponsors and supporters and proud to have the opportunity coordinate the opportunity for members of the community to support each other. We firmly believe that both giving and receiving are part of the Christmas spirit and experience.

How to sponsor a family:

  1. Fill out the form at the link below to commit to sponsoring children. This application will ask you for your contact information and how many children you would like to sponsor. We try to send you children that are in the same family, but it is not always possible.
  2. By sponsoring a child, you are agreeing to spend approximately $100-150 per child and to deliver the gifts to Cache County Sub for Santa. We actually assign you a specific child with their specific gift list, so when you sign up, we are counting on your support for that specific child or children. Please note: we have Angel Trees where you can still support Cache County children for less than $100 per child if that is more agreeable to your budget. You can find more information about the Angel Trees by clicking this link.
  3. We will be in contact with your assignments as soon as possible, but no later than November 18th! We closed applications a bit earlier this year and shifted our gift distribution a bit later so we are hoping this will help accommodate shopping time! We will do our best to send information about the children you are sponsoring as soon as possible but much of this depends on how quickly we receive applications. We also may not reach out to let you know we have received your application before this date, but if you received a confirmation email, we have you on our list and will be planning on sending you children to sponsor! We are always happy to answer questions about the status of our program as well! If you should have questions at any time, please email director@cachecountysubforsanta.org. Thank you! Your support means a lot to us.